Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Okay, at least 70% of the time.

Wow. Okay, so that 4-day long hiatus was not expected.

Any who, I've been recording more and more videos with other cool cats and editing like a mofo.
I've also been making a lot of channel art for my friends channel, that you can see by clicking on the links on my channel.

I'm also taking requests for channel art for free, for a limited time only.

So fire away by emailing me. (haloreach622[at]gmail[dot]com)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

I'm a man of my word.

There it is, the promised footage. I played some Revenge of the Mad God with Donald (ThisGuy), Bobby (NerdConfederation/Unidin), Tristan (AudioFreeeze), and Charles (KnightOfSpain/imurgod).
It was fun stuff. Sorry about the video quality, and the fact that my mic is only heard on the left side. This was just a recording project to play around with xSplit, which I am liking a lot. Wasn't meant to be posted on YouTube.

Anyway, I just finished recording next week's episode. Cool gameplay, funny stuff.

That's all this time.
Keep on pwning and owning,

Friday, February 7, 2014

Maybe, like, faithful 90%

Yeah, I missed yesterday. Start the raging. But seriously, as much as it doesn't seem like it, I do have a life outside of the internet.

However small that life may be.

(Very small.)

But I digress.
I'm uploading a new channel trailer as we speaketh.
And damn, is it good. Very good.
Meanwhile, I'll be doing some collabs all weekend, so expect dat. Also, I did a RotMG (google it) gameplay with like 4 other guys. Came out pretty good, just not a fit for my channel. So I'll post it here tomorrow.

Until then, it'd be great if you could subscribe to my channel on YouTube, like some of them videos, and comment to your hearts content.

Keep on pwning and owning,

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Yep. I'm serious.

....When I say daily.

Because I meant what I said and I said what I meant.
And a noob is faithful, 100 percent.


Anyway. Eventually I'll start doing actually bloggy-stuff. You know, polls, giveaways, advice, ranting, play-by-plays of me hacking my college facebooks. Oh wait....

But in reality, I'm putting together a new channel trailer to use as a fanfinder. I need original content, people. So, if anyone happens to view this dead blog and see this post, and you have any gaming footage that you would like to submit, contact me now. Because I can use it. No matter the game.

Anyways. This.

That's all this time.

Keep on pwning and owning.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Never Gonna Give You Up!

I bet you guys thought I was going to forget about you, right?


When I say daily blog, I mean daily blog.

That means I will post DAILY.

Or as close to it as the internet will allow.

Anyway, put up a new video, check it out at the top. It's an example of a comments video.

Fun facts:
A comments video like that takes 6 min to record and 4 hours to edit. Then 1 1/2 hours to upload.
Total: ~5 1/2 Hours.

Live gameplays take 6 min to record, an hour to edit, and 1 1/2 hours to upload.
Total: ~2 1/2 Hours.

An update takes >3 min to record and 2 hours to edit, and 1 hour to upload.
Total: ~3 Hours.

So, if Comments videos take the longest, why do I do them the most?
Because unlike the other videos, they require no voice over, meaning I can make/edit them wherever I am and whenever I want, with whatever footage I have lying around. Sure, it's a lot of editing, but I can churn them out faster than any other videos (except Minutes) because I have more opportunities to work on them.

So, expect a lot of those. Plus, they are pretty humorous.

Anyways, that's all for today.

Keep on pwning and owning,

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hey guys...

So, long time no visit.....yeah...
The last post here was on the 18th. Of April. In 2013.

So to say I've been away a while is an incredible understatement.

But I'm back now, and for the foreseeable future. So there's that.

Now, this post is to explain some things not included in my update video above.

1.) All videos will be shot prior to Friday in native 720p. Why the downgrade? Because my previous videos were shot in 600p, or worse, 480p, then upscaled to 1080p. Needless to say, the quality was TERRIBLE. So now I'm shooting in 720p and uploading in 720p, which saves me rendering time and bandwidth. And it looks better.

2.) I'm going to be doing a lot of collabs with other YouTubers. No more solo crap. I'm hooking up with other guys to make cool videos. More on that soon.

3.) Yes, the Wheel of Fate is actually dead. No more. Not only did/do I not have the fanbase for it (yet), but it was severely limiting my enjoyment of the games. So now, it's whatever I feel like. Maybe it'll return in the future.

4.) I'm ordering a new Elgato Game Capture HD, eventually. Money doesn't grow on trees, and I kinda want a new iPod. So like, don't expect that till June.

5.) The new video types are explained in detail below.
-Gameplays: The standard 5-10 minute gameplay with live commentary. Usually fresh, new games.
-Comments: Like the video above, it's pre-recorded footage with no commentary, but has pop-ups inspired by YouTube comments.
-Updates: News about my channel or the Gaming world. Usually edited Vegas videos.
-Minutes: Small side projects I'll put out. Always under 2 minutes.
Also, every once in a while I'll do a special video or a collab that falls out of these categories.

Now about this blog. This will just be a place for me to post my thoughts (like every other blog). And to promote my videos and other cool stuff. So do me a favor. Press CTRL-D.

Thanks, and keep on pwning and owning.