Friday, March 29, 2013

System Rewirements

System requirements. If you are a console gamer than you probably don't know nor care what it is. If you are a mobile gamer, then you have no clue what I mean. If you have a super-computer with an AMD Radeon HD ∞ and a Core i8 Decacore 4.91ghz Processor with 64gb of RAM, then you also don't need to worry about system requirements (for the next 50 years or so).

But if you are like me, with a gaming PC that can run most games on medium-high but that will probably be outdated in a few years, then the SR are the most important part of PC gaming.

The most horrible moment in PC gaming is either
A.) You accidently hit the Windows Key at a CRUCIAL moment in an intense 1v1 in Planetside 2
B.) You get super hyped about an upcoming game only to find out that it probably won't run on your current PC.

If you have money and aren't into the tech side of things, then just buying a newer PC would be a lot less hassle then upgrading parts. But if you are on a budget and don't mind getting your hands a little dirty, then snagging a new 60 dollar graphics card from is the perfect solution. The problem is, your sixty dollar GFX card is only going to last until the next Crysis comes out, shifting the definition of a "modern" PC to handle "modern" games. Then it comes to the point where every year you are prying open your Dell and installing a new GeForce, then upgrading your PSU to handle the new hardware, finally installing a few more sticks of RAM.

And that is considered normal in the budget PC gaming world, where every great new game requires updated hardware to play, only every once in a while a game comes out that is so optimized that it runs on Ultra at native resolution without a new GFX (thanks Bioshock).

And you have to admit, that's where the point where mobile or console gamers have the upper-hand, where they only have to upgrade hardware at a minimum of 6 years, and still playing the newest games at decent settings.

But that's the price to pay for having superior visuals and performance.


  1. Which card is better, this one
    or this one

    My PSU is 300w, and I'm not looking to upgrade it (even though it would broaden the range of available GPUs), and those are the best of the best I could find in the 300w area. Price-to-performance doesn't matter to me; I just want to know which one is better. If you could find another one that requires 300w or lower, that would be fine too. Thanks.

    1. Not even a contest. I have a 6670 (second link) right now and it can still handle modern games at medium-high settings. It's DirectX-11 compatible, it is under 300w. It's a all-round great deal for its price and age.

    2. Is the gt 440 better than the 6670?


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